Validate Inputs with Enum Data Type​Validate ​Inputs with ​Enum ​Data ​Type

Input validation with the Enum data type

What are Inputs

Inputs allow you to dynamically pass data to your execution at runtime. For a detailed overview of inputs, see the Inputs documentation page.

Input validation with Enum data type

Let's now look at how to use the ENUM input type and the Switch task to validate user input and conditionally branch the flow based on the input value.

id: orchestrate_everything

  - id: use_case
    description: What do you want to orchestrate?
    type: ENUM
    defaults: Data pipelines
      - Data pipelines
      - Microservices
      - Business processes
      - Marketing automation

  - id: conditional_branching
    type: io.kestra.plugin.core.flow.Switch
    value: "{{ inputs.use_case }}"
      Data pipelines:
        - id: data_pipelines
          type: io.kestra.plugin.core.log.Log
          message: Managing important data products

        - id: microservices
          type: io.kestra.plugin.core.log.Log
          message: Orchestrating critical applications

      Business processes:
        - id: business_processes
          type: io.kestra.plugin.core.log.Log
          message: Orchestrating critical applications

      Marketing automation:
        - id: marketing_automation
          type: io.kestra.plugin.core.log.Log
          message: Orchestrating critical applications

You can add an arbitrary number of cases to the Switch task, and each case can contain one or more tasks.

By using the defaults attribute, you can specify a default input value that will be prefilled in the dropdown menu in the UI when executing the flow.

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